Snow White and the Seven Perverts ("Schneeflittchen unter die Sieben Bergen") is a 1973 German X-rated animated short film based on the fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was directed and produced by David Grant and Marcus Parker-Rhodes.
It runs about 11 minutes and is often included in erotic compilation films. Originally the film had a soundtrack with a German voice over describing the dwarfs' actions in rhyme, but many circulating bootleg copies have no sound or only show parts of this cartoon.
The Seven Dwarfs walk to their house in the forest. When they arrive they catch a glimpse of a big breasted Snow White washing herself. The dwarfs get sexually aroused and Snow White invites them in to have sex. Even the chimney of the house ejaculates. Back in the castle of Snow White's stepmother the evil queen masturbates herself with a chandelier and the erect tail of her cat. She looks into her mirror and sees that Snow White is still alive. She goes to Snow White's house and offers her a cucumber. Snow White and the Dwarfs amuse theirselves with this vegetable, but somehow Snow White dies. When the prince arrives he has sex with Snow White and wakes her up again. Then he rides away with her while still having sex with her on his horse. The evil Queen is furious and is dragged to Hell by Satan, who penetrates her with his enormous penis.
This cartoon was included in Bruno Mattei's Sesso Perverso, Mondo Violento (1982), otherwise known as Perversione del Sesso.